If you still feel tired, fatigued, anxious, lack of energy, sleepless, and have other symptoms of ill health despite the use of conventional medicine, then functional health and wellness coaching can help you regain your health.
We provide one to one coaching and group coaching. Sessions are provided virtually. Initially, we will work with you to identify your current health and wellness status, define where you want to be and together develop a personalised plan to get you to your goals. You will get access to weekly wellness seminars and a wellness community that will motivate you to pursue and maintain your optimal health and wellness lifestyle
Discovery | Rewiring | Reclaiming your Mindset, Health and wellbeing
Your mindset has a huge impact on your general health and wellness. In this session, we get to explore your current mindset about yourself - discover more about you and why you think the way you do. This is important because the very essence of the things you do everyday lie in deepest parts of your subconscience.
This step focuses on supporting you to undo the hard-wired components of any limiting mindset/belief and this involves undoing wrong thinking, bad habits and anything else that is detrimental to you seeing yourself in a positive light.
This is the step where we reclaim your mindset so you're always ready to take on new challenges and win the day.
Once you have reclaimed your mindset, we will work with you to reclaim your health and wellness and to establish a healthy lifestyle that will maintain your wellness. This is your journey to Destination Wellness!
You will have 30 minutes one - to - one each week over 12 weeks.
Discovery | Rewiring | Reclaiming
Your mindset has a huge impact on your general health and wellness. In these session, you will be supported to explore your current mindset about yourself - discover more about you and why you think the way you do. This is important because the very essence of the things you do everyday lie in deepest parts of your subconscience.
This step focuses on supporting participants to undo the hard-wired components of any limiting mindset/belief and this involves undoing wrong thinking, bad habits and anything else that is detrimental to you seeing yourself in a positive light.
This is the step where we reclaim your mindset and your health so you're always ready to take on new challenges and win the day.
Once you have reclaimed your mindset, we will work with you to reclaim your health and wellness and to establish a healthy lifestyle that will maintain your wellness. This is your journey to Destination Wellness
Linda Katte, Wellness Coach at Katlins Wellness
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